Battle Analysis

Battle Analysis: Hexagon Map Calculator

Cartesian grid coordinates are used for wargame calculations


Use polygons to calculate wargame grid coordinates

mouse coordinates → points, lines, circles, polygons → wargame grid coordinates

Note: the mouse uses polygon detection to input a wargame coordinate.

Polygons are NO LONGER used for any calculations, just use the wargame coordinate.







Hexagons use the hexagon's center coordinate

Hexsides use the hexside's midpoint coordinate

Road types use the hexside's midpoint coordinate or the hexagon's center coordinate

Slope types use the hexside's edge coordinate

Use Analytic Geomety to calculate wargame coordinates on a standard wargame grid.

1. Screen Coordinate: As the mouse moves across the map, its location on the screen is recorded.

    screen coordinate

2. Hexagon Coordinate:As the mouse enters a hexagon, the center of the hexagon is calculated and recorded:

    hexagon center:

    All wargame calculations use the standard wargame grid for wargame analysis and data.